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Committee Descriptions

Community Outreach

The Community Outreach Functional Area is an umbrella for all of our contributions to the community, making volunteer opportunities available and determining the most impactful way to distribute funds raised by other committees. Community Outreach consists of the following subcommittees.
  • Community Outreach At Large - Manages and coordinates our ongoing volunteer projects with partner agencies (such as Deacon’s Closet and Soup Kitchen) as well as our recurring, annual outreach projects (such as the Family Focus Holiday Gift Drive and the MLK Day of Service).

  • Community Grant Making - Carefully selects the recipients for the charitable funds raised by the club. Committee members evaluate grant applications submitted by area non-profits, meeting intensely in mid-winter. Two years of club experience are required to serve on this committee.

  • Dreams Delivered - Transforms our clubhouse into a very special prom boutique every April. We provide new and nearly new formal dresses, accessories and shoes free of charge to high school students. Dreams Delivered committee members will participate in Community Outreach At Large, with occasional additional subcommittee meetings prior to the event.

  • Sewing Circle - Meets monthly to create aromatherapy hearts and other projects. Daytime availability is important to serve on this committee.


The Philanthropy Functional Area is tasked with fundraising projects for both contributions and for the club. We support local non-profits through grants awarded by the Contributions subcommittee and raise money for our historic clubhouse and our Membership. We accomplish this through the following subcommittees:
  • WCE Holiday Bazaar – The WCE Holiday Bazaar subcommittee works on the coordination and planning of our three-day juried artisan gift fair, the proceeds of which are awarded by the Contributions subcommittee to various community organizations (see the "Community Outreach Functional Area" for more details).
  • WCE Revue - The WCE Revue subcommittee leads the members of the club who write, direct, choreograph and perform an evening of musical comedy to benefit a designated local not-for-profit organization. The production takes place over several nights in early March. The WCE Revue subcommittee is made up of a creative team, a business team and a support team whose members are selected by the Revue Producer. Every club member is invited to participate in the Revue as a cast member or volunteer. Cast members do not need to be on the subcommittee to be in the show.
  • WCE Spring Benefit – The Spring Benefit subcommittee plans one of the club’s major fundraisers to benefit a designated local, not-for-profit organization. The benefit takes place in the spring and is accomplished as a joint partnership between the WCE and the beneficiary.

  • Philanthropy Generalist – The Philanthropy Generalist subcommittee is responsible for raising funds for the contributions general fund via a smaller, one-time, fun and social, fundraising events. 


The Membership Functional Area is concerned with membership recruitment and retention through creating engaging and rewarding social experiences for our members. Membership has the following subcommittees:
  • Recruitment - (formerly the Membership Committee) is responsible for executing our Membership Information Nights, the New Member Committee and anything related to the recruitment program of the WCE. Members of this subcommittee will also be expected to help out with programs, member events, and dinners as needed.
  • Social & Enrichment - (formerly the Social Committee and the Programs Committee) would be a great fit for members with an interest in organizing and executing our programs, planning member events, or helping to put on our three major, all-club dinners.  Members of this subcommittee will also be expected to help out with member recruitment as needed.

House and Grounds

This committee is charged with managing, maintaining, and beautifying our historic and cherished clubhouse. Monthly meetings are held on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. This committee seeks members who have an interest/skill set in historic preservation, interior design, finance/clubhouse budget, clubhouse operations, HR or gardening. Daytime availability is important. House & Grounds also raises funds for our historical clubhouse via Scrip Cards and WCE Revue concessions.

Bylaws and Strategic Planning

Members periodically review and update club policies and create and implement club Strategic Plans. Two years of club experience are required to serve on this committee.


This committee creates one voice for the WCE through both internal and external communications. Internal involves publishing weekly e-Blasts and monthly bulletins and maintains our member website to keep our members informed and engaged. External focuses on creating public facing social media content to further community awareness of the WCE. They also update community calendars send press releases when necessary. 

Business Manager

If you don't mind spreadsheets or numbers, consider volunteering to be a Business Manager for a committee or an individual fundraising event.  Business Managers keep track of event income and expenses and reconcile our net event proceeds with the help of the clubTreasurer.  
Business Managers are needed for:
  •  Spring Benefit
  •  Holiday Bazaar
  • The Revue
  • Sponsorships
  •  Philanthropy Generalist
  • Social & Enrichment
  • Community Outreach